RECODE famimpor (1,2 =1) (3,4 = 2). Multiple responses—in the sense used here—are defined by a degree of open-endedness. 2 The default specification for a recode is to Include all cases. The ELSE line tells SPSS to perform its nested computation on all other values not accounted for by the previous conditional statements. SPSS has a two-step process to use multiple response sets using the dialog windows: Define the multiple response set. 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 When using DO IF, any conditions based on missing values must be included in the DO IF step; they can not be included in ELSE IF statements. Suppose we have test scores as percentages, and want to convert those percentages to a letter grade. If you do use ELSE, it must be at the very end of the loop (right before the END DO statement). 29th Aug, 2018. A basic introduction on how to deal with multiple response data sets using SPSS Right-click on the new CommuteLength variable and click Descriptives Statistics. 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 If you are using version 20, you may need to put dashes before each COMPUTE statement inside the DO IF block. IF v#c=1 ethnic=3. In the sample dataset, the variable CommuteTime represents the amount of time (in minutes) it takes the respondent to commute to campus. There should be the same number of missing values that we started with, and each of the original scores should be classified into exactly one of the grade categories. Problem. Need more help? Class ranks are also sometimes divided into "underclassmen" (first or second-year students) and "upperclassmen" (third or fourth-year students). We can check this using the Compare Means via the syntax below, or via the menus (Analyze > Compare Means > Means. DO IF-ELSE IF syntax performs similarly to the Recode procedures, but allows for more control over specifying numeric ranges. In almost every situation, you want to use Into Different Variables.Recoding Into Same Variables replaces the values in the existing variable. This is especially true if using the "Lowest thru", "thru Highest", or "Range - through" options. 2. Click on 4. Respondents can choose more than one ethnicity. Discretizing a continuous variable transforms a scale variable into an ordinal categorical variable by splitting the values into three or more groups based on several cut points. Suppose we want to recode these scores to have a letter grade using the scheme described above. Visit the IBM Support Forum, Modified date: Syntax to create new variable (ethnic) and value labels and how to set priority: Recoding String Variables (Automatic Recode), Descriptive Stats for One Numeric Variable (Explore), Descriptive Stats for One Numeric Variable (Frequencies), Descriptive Stats for Many Numeric Variables (Descriptives), Descriptive Stats by Group (Compare Means), Working with "Check All That Apply" Survey Data (Multiple Response Sets), Double-click on variable Rank to move it to the Input Variable -> Output Variable box. Note that you can use the letter combinations or the mathematical symbols in your statements. The Self-Esteem Survey (esteem.sav) data set will be used to illustrate the SPSS recode facility.Open the data set esteem.sav.The variables esteem1 to esteem5 are coded from 1 (strongly disagree) through 4 (strongly agree). You may have to record the respondent ID number in a spreadsheet along with your numeric recode. No results were found for your search query. A typical grading scheme in the United States is: Recall that the Range specification in Recode into Different Variables allows us to specify a range of values which includes both endpoints. Is it possible, if more than one choice is indicated , for the recode to use a priority system in choosing which one to specify in the new variable? IF v#f=1 ethnic=6. 16 April 2020, [{"Product":{"code":"SSLVMB","label":"SPSS Statistics"},"Business Unit":{"code":"BU053","label":"Cloud & Data Platform"},"Component":"Not Applicable","Platform":[{"code":"PF025","label":"Platform Independent"}],"Version":"Not Applicable","Edition":"","Line of Business":{"code":"LOB10","label":"Data and AI"}}], Recode multiple response variables in SPSS into a single variable with priority. Watson Product Search For example, suppose you have two variables (v1 and v2), and you wish to recode all cases of v2 to be equal to the system missing value where v1 is also system missing. Answer. Cite. For the "D" and "C" grades, we could try specifying the ranges as [60, 69.9] -> D and [70, 70.9] -> C. This could work if scores were only recorded to one decimal place, but what would happen to a score with two decimal places -- say, 69.99? In general, your instructions to SPSS should be specified in such a way that all possible outcomes are accounted for, regardless of whether you're using the menus or syntax. Assume we have variable famimpor with values 1, 2, 3 and 4, measuring how important having a family is for the respondent. Value 6 is is left unaltered. Click on T ransform > R … Choose Analyze→Multiple Response→Frequencies. Get Useful Information In Seconds. ELSE is optional -- you don't necessarily have to use it, but it is often more convenient to use than addressing every possible outcome using ELSE IF. Once you have specified all the transformations that you wish to make for the selected variable, click the “Continue” button. To set priorities, you just change the order of the IF statements. The "Lowest thru" option acts as "less than or equal to some-number", and the "thru Highest" option acts as "greater than or equal to some-number". ; this will return a syntax error.). The above example showed how to discretize a continuous variable into three categories using Recode into Different Variables. Click on (or in SPSS 23 on ) 3. We'll illustrate this with a test case, then show how to use DO IF syntax to properly implement the desired recoding scheme. 1 The left column displays all of the variables in your dataset. In the name, write the name of heading for these responses (without spaces). I can easily recode numeric variables using the GUI and the dialogue box shown below: But when i enter a string variable into the same dialogue box the option to define the new value as "System-missing" is not available: This will allow you to specify the conditions under which the recode will be applied to your data. This changes all occurrences of value 4 to value 3. Example: There are many other ways to analyze multiple responses data and this is one of the ways researchers can do it. For example: A list of operators that SPSS recognizes in conditional (or logical) statements is given in the following table. (You could use DO IF-ELSE IF for recoding a categorical variable, but there's no real reason to use it over Recode; the Recode syntax is shorter and more efficient for that situation.). (We discuss the If option in more detail later in this tutorial.). There are many kinds of conditions you can specify by selecting a variable (or multiple variables) from the left column, moving them to the center text field, and using the blue buttons to specify values (e.g., “1”) and operations (e.g., +, *, /). All other values remain unchanged, too. IF v#e=1 ethnic=5. Note that this method works OK for integers, but will often yield unexpected results when used on variables that have one or more nonzero decimal places. Troubleshooting. In the sample dataset, the variable Math represents the subjects' scores (out of 100 points) on a math placement test. This method tells SPSS exactly how to map each old category onto a new category. In general, it is best to recode a variable into a different variable so that you never alter the original data and can easily access the original data if you need to make different changes later on. (Note that although SPSS indicates numeric missing values using period characters (. If the recode was performed successfully, we should see the new variable in the Data Editor window. Multiple responses depend on the half normal percent probability and the ANOVA. For example, for case 2 in the example data, both v#a and v#b are selected. Drag the desired variables which are the multiple responses in the box "variables in set". To specify such conditions, click If to bring up the Recode into Different Variables: If Cases window. ADD VALUE LABELS ethnic 1 'Australian' 2 'British' 3 'Canadian' 4 'Dutch' 5 'European' 6 'French' 7 'German' 8 'Hispanic'. To create a frequency table or a cross table from these variables, you can let SPSS know that these belonged to each other by creating a multiple response set. SPSS: Multiple response tables (via Custom tables) (by P. Stikker) Creating a multiple response set In order to create a frequency table or a cross table from a question with multiple answers, you first need to create a multiple response set. create a new variable next to the verbatim response and enter in your numeric score/code). Have variables v#a, v#b, v#c, .. v#h which each represent a choice of ethnicity and have a value of 1 if chosen by the respondent. This will create a quick frequency table and summary statistics of the new variable. This computation must be done using syntax. When you run a multiple response frequency or crosstabs, the set is actually created within the syntax for that table, and the set only exists while that syntax is run. D If: The If option allows you to specify the conditions under which your recode will be applied. How to recode multiple response variables in SPSS into a single categorical variable. These conditions are statements (or chains of statements) that evaluate as true or false. SPSS offers two choices under the recode command: Into Same Variable and Into Different Variables. How to make a frequency tabel for multiple response items Step 1 is to specify which variables have to be combined into a set; we use the DATA menu for this. The original value 3 remains unchanged. Selecting the “Different” function reverses each score and includes them in an extra variable. 3 The center of the window includes a collection of arithmetic operators, Boolean operators, and numeric characters, which you can use to specify the conditions under which your recode will be applied to the data. Once you click Old and New Values, a new window where you will specify how to transform the values will appear. Syntax to read the CSV-format sample data and set variable labels and formats/value labels. Exampe of data: The dependent variable is Math, and the layer/ independent variable is MathGrade): Remember that before you perform any further analysis with this variable, you'll want to add value labels showing 1='F', 2='D', and so on. Select DATA -> DEFINE MULTIPLE RESPONSES SET -> put Q1a to Q1f into “Variables in Set” box, in “variable coding” select … The most common recoding errors happen when you don't tell SPSS explicitly what to do with missing values: SPSS may recode missing values into one of the new valid categories. If the INTO keyword is present (followed by a list of target variables) the result is stored into the target variable(s) (list= one or more variables), otherwise the … Search, None of the above, continue with my search. This method uses ranges. 2 Put the variable you want to recode in the Input Variable → Output Variable box. 1Old Value: Specify the type of value you wish to recode (e.g., a specific value, missing data, or a range of values) and the specific value to be recoded (e.g., a value of “1” or a range of “1-5”). Let's use Recode into Different Variables to merge the categories and create a new indicator variable called RankIndicator with the levels Underclassman (1) and Upperclassman (2). ... q1_R q1_SPlus q1_SAS q1_SPSS q1_Stata q1_others 1. 4Output variables are strings and Convert numeric strings to numbers: These options change the variable type of the new variable. Or you could just enter the codes into the SPSS dataset directly (e.g. Search results are not available at this time. IF v#g=1 ethnic=7. When you are finished defining the conditions under which your recode will be applied to the data, click Continue. © 2021 Kent State University All rights reserved. Th… Dichotomize Multiple Variables SPSS Recode Example 2. Each response in a multiple response question should be coded as a … The Recode into Different Variables window will appear. This method uses the "Lowest thru" and "thru Highest" ranges. (If you have value labels, perhaps you should change these now accordingly). You can also use parentheses to group or distribute the effects of an operator. SPSS also provides extensive data management functions, along with a complex and powerful programming language. You can also use the options in the Function group list. This creates a dichotomous variable with cut-off point between 2 and 3. In the counted value, put the value for "yes". To specify the conditions under which the recode should be applied, however, you will need to click Include if case satisfies condition. Spss create new variable from multiple variables. That is, the original values will be replaced by the recoded values. If the new variable appeared but all of the values are missing, then there is something wrong with your code; you may have forgotten an EXECUTE statement. 1. However, it should NOT be used if one or both of the endpoints is "open" (which happens if a group is defined by a "[strictly] greater than" or "[strictly] less than" statement). You will use one or more variables to define the conditions under which your recode should be applied to the data. 1 0 0 0 0 1 2. Published with written permission from SPSS Statistics, IBM Corporation. The same is true for creating hirt1 from trialr1. An alternative, which also allows us to do further analysis, is to use the Multiple Response command. Double-click on variable Rank to move it to the Input Variable -> Output Variable box. We have found that it may not work properly in SPSS Version 20. In the sample dataset, the variable Rank has the categories Freshman (1), Sophomore (2), Junior (3), and Senior (4). You can find your new variable in the last column in Data View or in the last row of Variable View. A Input Variable -> Output Variable: The center text box lists the variable(s) you have selected to recode, as well as the name your new variable(s) will have after the recode. Recode changes to codes of one or more variables (varlist1) according to a list of specifications enclosed in parentheses. IF v#a=1 ethnic=1. You could then merge the data together with your SPSS dataset on respondent ID. Now the center text box, (B), will display both the name of the original variable as well as the name for the new variable (e.g., “Height --> Height_categ”). In SPSS, there are three basic options for recoding variables: Each of these options allows you to re-categorize an existing variable. Once again, suppose you wanted to create a dummy variable from trial1 with a cutpoint of 2. The command Into Same Variable replaces existing data with new values, but the command Into Different Variables adds a new variable to the data set.. If missing value conditions are used in ELSE IF statements, they are ignored. NOTE: This syntax has been tested in SPSS Version 22 and 23. In fact, a search at for SPSS books returns 2,034 listings as of March 15, 2004. Indicate which number code (s) should be counted as "present". IF v#b=1 ethnic=2. Syntax to add variable labels, value labels, set variable types, and compute several recoded variables used in later tutorials. There should be an identical number of missing values; the number of underclassmen should equal the sum of the number of freshmen and sophomores; and the number of upperclassmen should equal the sum of the number of juniors and seniors. Remember that each individual's results go on a separate line (row) in SPSS Statistics. We'll dichotomize variables v4 to v6 by changing values 1, 2 and 3 into 0 and values 4 and 5 into 1 as implied by recode v4 to v6 (1,2,3 = 0)(4,5 = 1). When entering a question that has multiple answers allowed into SPSS, you need to split each option into a separate variable. Our tutorials reference a dataset called "sample" in many examples. If v#a is the priority, then you would put the IF statement for v#a after v#b (and consequently after other variables for which v#a takes priority). The left column lists all of the variables in your dataset. Select the variable you wish to recode by clicking it. One important use of the Recode procedure is dichotomizing or discretizing a continuous variable. The term $SYSMIS refers to system-missing values. Dichotomizing a continuous variable transforms a scale variable into a binary categorical variable by splitting the values into two groups based on a cut point. We can use the recode command to create the variable hit1. When you create a question, a Recode Value and a Variable Name are automatically assigned to each answer choice. For example, the response to a particular question may have been measured on a 5-point scale and you might want to reverse the coding so that 1 becomes 5, and so on. How to recode multiple response variables in SPSS into a single categorical variable. After recoding, we should be able to compare the frequencies old and new variables. When recoding variables, always handle the missing values first! After the variables have been entered, click on Transform and select “Recode into Same Variable” or different if things haven’t been coded in one take. Imagine a number line: In that instance, the score 69.99 would fall into a "gap" not covered by any recoding rules. To recode into different variables, click Transform > Recode into Different Variables. However, if we wanted to discretize into four or more categories, Recode into Different Variables isn't equipped to properly define each range. I am strugling recoding missing values in SPSS using the graphical user interface. Click in the menubar on 2. This note demonstrates the use of Multiple Responses Analysis in analyzing multiple responses data using SPSS software. Please try again later or use one of the other support options on this page. 2New Value: Specify the new value for your variable (i.e., a specific numeric code such as “2,” system-missing, or copy old values). IF v#d=1 ethnic=4. With the above syntax, ethnic will be set to 2 as the IF statement for v#b comes after v#a. In the Output Variable area, give the new variable the name CommuteLength, then click, Define group 2 (30 < time < 60): In the Old Value area click. Make sure that the new variable has the same number of missing values as the original variable. Although great for a lot of operations (e.g., calculating sum scores, generating data, etc. 4 The Function Group box contains common functions that may be used for calculating values for new variables (e.g., mean, logarithm, sine). The recode that you have specified now appears in the text field. Note: Recode into Different Variables does not include the ability to add value labels to the new categories, so immediately after recoding, you should add value labels to your new numeric codes. Sometimes you may wish to recode values for a specific variable only when other conditions in your data are satisfied. We will show three different ways of defining the categories that produce identical results. Rather than using the recode command, use an if statement like this: Using RECODE The recode command can be used to accomplish the dummy coding task discussed at the beginning of the section. Move the $Fruit variable into the Table (s) For area, as shown. Class ranks for high schools and colleges are are nicknames for what year of study the person is completing: "freshman" (first-year), "sophomore" (second-year), "junior" (third-year), "senior" (fourth-year). Click Transform > Recode into Different Variables. Let's try recoding this variable into three ordinal groups: To check your work, go to the Variable View tab in the Data Editor window. Using "All other values" to define group 2 was completely dependent on us correctly accounting for all other possible categories first, including the missing values. The Categ o ries range from 1 through 5. You may encounter this syntax error after executing a DO IF block: If this happens, you may need to add a hyphen (-) before the COMPUTE statement(s). That is, the changes do not overwrite the original variable; they are instead applied to a copy of the original variable under a new name. 2 Categorising a continuous variable 1 Choose Transform, Recode, Into Different Variables. If you want to discretize a numeric variable into more than three categories, or if you want to perform a recoding based on more than one variable, you'll need to use DO IF-ELSE IF syntax. You only have to use one of these; we show multiple methods to show that there is flexibility in how you define the groups. Search support or find a product: Search. The DO IF and ELSE IF lines tell SPSS to perform the nested computation if certain conditions are true. Enter the data in the SPSS Statistics Data Editor and name the variable " Runs ". 3Old -> New: Once you have selected the old and new values for your selected variable in (1) and (2), click Add in area (3), Old-->New. Is it possible, if more than one choice is indicated , for the recode to use a priority system in choosing which one to specify in the new variable? RECODE famimpor (4=3). You will need to repeat these steps for each value that you wish to recode. Click the arrow in the center to move the selected variable to the center text box, (B). Combining multiple responses into one variable in SPSS Statistics Question As the title suggests I would like to know how to turn the results of a multiple response question into a single variable, so it can be used to run a variety of tests. Let's use DO IF syntax to perform this recode and save the results as a new variable, MathGrade. This tutorial shows how to use Recode into Different Variables and DO IF syntax to change or merge the categories of string or numeric variables in SPSS. In the Output Variable area, give the new variable the name, Handle missing values first: In the Old Value area click, Define the underclassmen group (1): In the Old Value area click, Define the upperclassmen group (2): In the Old Value area click, 2 = Commute is more than 30 minutes, but less than 60 minutes (30 < time < 60), Double-click on variable CommuteTime to move it to the Input Variable -> Output Variable box. In general, it is good practice not to recode into the same variable because it overwrites the original variable. C Old and New Variables: Click the Old and New Values to specify how you wish to recode the values for the selected variable. Recoding into the same variable (Transform > Recode into Same Variables) works the same way as described above, except for that any changes made will permanently alter the original variable. This means that cases meeting the conditions will be recoded, and cases not meeting the conditions will be assigned a missing value. Why didn't we use the "Range" option to specify category 2? In SPSS, this type of transform is called recoding. About Recode Values.

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