Their personalities were created by Ainz’s past friends. Ainz desperately tried to recall the way he had designed Pandora’s Actor. As I thought, they really need to make Dark Elf friends! The fact was, this place was luxurious enough for Ainz, no, for Suzuki Satoru. After changing out parts of his equipment, he cast his spell. Ainz was confident that he could use various means to defend, escape, or counterattack. It is as you say, Ainz-sama.”. It did not let him say anything about whether this purple robe with silver filigree matched a silver necklace socketed with four diamonds and so on. Ever since it had been moved here, he could no longer detect the fragrance which it used to emanate when it had still been located in Nazarick. That would be incredibly bad. Don’t people usually sit opposite each other? In that case, perhaps he should change the relationship between them, and put himself on equal footing with the NPCs. Doesn’t matter if she allowed herself to fall to that level… still, I’m busy with all sorts of things, but she’s here taking it easy. How shall I say this… they have nothing to do, but keep trying to take care of us. Perhaps the passage of time and meeting him several times to give orders had softened the impact on him. There was a glass box on the balcony. The use of humans for such work would incur labor costs, but golems and the undead did not have that problem. Giving it one won’t matter. These were suggestions and opinions collected from everyone in Nazarick in order to aid in the development of the Sorcerous Kingdom. Needless to say, that too was to buy himself time. Then I shall give you several sets of my clothes. “Let’s leave that matter aside for now. This was his responsibility as a King ― after all, Jircniv too lived in the Imperial Palace of the Imperial Capital. It doesn’t feel like that to me…”, Ainz thought about it, but he could not come up with anything he particularly wanted. Of course, there were always a few exceptions to the rule. Instead, he turned Aura a full 180 degrees, facing her back to him, and then he sat her down onto his right thighbone. Please, share them with me.”, “Is, is that so.. Well, although it embarrasses me somewhat, I can’t be the only one sharing my thoughts. Do as you see fit. In particular, when he was mindful of the way others were looking at him. It seems today’s weather is quite fine.”, “Indeed it is. And indeed; the Lip Bug before him seemed much livelier than the others at that time. The fact was, she had already exceeded him by far. Your insight is indeed keen. In any case, this idea could not be allowed to happen. She was one of Nazarick’s regular maids, and she was attending to Ainz today ― to be precise, she had attended to him since yesterday. Then ― the next suggestion.”. !” again, in a terribly shy voice. Indeed, it contained something about resources, but the amount seemed quite adequate. What could he be feeling that made him omit his usual theatrics? Kerajaan Sorcerous dari Ainz Ooal Gown. He felt a little guilty about his rudeness, but in the end, he stamped the final document instead. The desk in the center of the room was like the one Ainz had in his own room, and it radiated an air of gravitas. She was a level 100 warrior, but he had no idea where her muscles had gone. ...She’s probably trying to act like a baby. The files themselves did not contain much in the way of proposals, but they had a lot of supporting documents attached to them. She in turn handed them to the Elder Liches. Then, I shall inform Shalltear and have her give the Ring to you. With the six Angels, Fifth, and several Eight Edge Assassins ― the rest were left as sentries ― in tow, Ainz headed for the gate. “I plan to entrust them to Pandora’s Actor.”, Aura and Mare said something along the lines of “It’ll be fine if it’s him.”, “He is an excellent individual created by you, Ainz-sama. However, an ordinary employee like Ainz could not possibly think of a proper financial policy. If people know that you’re receiving special treatment, it might result in friction with the others. This chapter is updated by After all, he often rides the coaches and wagons which the humans of this city prepare for him, and he does not always take this one with him.”, “Ah, I seem to recall that he takes such transport to share information.”. Although Ainz was vaguely interested in what Hamsuke was up to, he soon cast the thought away. The skill, [Undead Lieutenant]. The maid froze for a moment, but still managed an energetic reply as she fell into step behind him and they left the room. Could it be that I can’t remember more things because I don’t have a brain? ...Ah, work. Several regular maids were already there waiting for Ainz. Their beaming smiles did not seem to imply that anything troublesome had happened, and Ainz was relieved. He could only create upper-tier undead four times a day. I do not dislike him, that, hm. To think we who were merely created would dare claim to be the children of the Supreme Beings. Then I shall wait in the guest room.”. A steady sensation of fatigue crept over him, but he could not show it. Ah, that’s right, I feel the same way about meeting you as well.”. She bowed slightly, and then went to see who the visitors were. There’s no need for that! Still, he trembled a little at that frightening theory. Or do they just like coordinating clothes and accessories? Albedo had a look of delight on her face. “―Hm? The Sorcerer King. Part 1 Six luxurious carriages raced over the plains. Please get up. It should be fine to slowly exit the topic now. Since you understand, let’s move on to the next one, Albedo.”. Wikis. The red color was so bright that it almost hurt his eyes, and it was further adorned by many huge button-like gemstones. That being the case, there’s no need to confirm your choices with me.”. I understand. Did I win it in a lottery or some kind of an event? None of them were at all suitable as guards which a king would have with him when walking the streets. Would you mind just sitting down as you are?”. In addition, they could use Mare’s magic to produce simple stonework. It was simply because he had the manpower to spare but nowhere to use it. It was then that Ainz realized his carelessness. Before he left through the main door, he sent a [Message] to Shalltear before he forgot, informing him of Pandora’s Actor’s request. Then, he applied the Lip Bug to the base of his bony throat. "...If there was a lower limit to the definition of the word 'inferior', that idea has certainly managed to break through it. He is a friend who trains with this one, milord!”. It might have also been some personally-invented term of his. He had immediately hit on the idea of founding an orphanage in the name of Ainz Ooal Gown. How could anyone waste your precious time with such an utterly idiotic suggestion, Ainz-sama? Novels 925 • Chapters 589386 • All Chapter Duration 4017 days (96430 hours). You are, er, my son, or something like that. Overlord Chapter 3. Because of that, Ainz decided to play one of his two trump cards. ―No, Ainz thought as he mentally shook his head. Has something caught your attention?”, “No, it’s unrelated to this, but I thought of something. And, of course, the Eight Edge Assassins on the ceiling. Overlord - Vol 10 - Chapter 1 Part 1 Chapter 1 : The Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown Part 1 Sorcerer King. He picked up Mare as he approached, and placed him on his left thighbone. She had never asked for this. Viva maid uniforms~”. Maid uniforms are the greatest invention in human history. Still, if that’s the case, can’t we just purchase more from the Kingdom or the Empire? Still, for some reason, Hamsuke had been going on and on about the Death Knight, so in the end, he took back the artifacts and left the Death Knight with her. A single word from Ainz might lead to a mass suicide. ...I don’t get it, after all. That undead creature must have been what drew Ainz’s attention to this stable in the first place. The best word to describe this was “overacting”. This might take several years, but it can’t be helped.”, “Good. “Never! Still, come to think of it, they have no idea that they are puppets dancing on strings, ruled by Ainz-sama… As I thought, only he could have anticipated this turn of events right after being transported here and made the appropriate preparations.”, “Mm ― it’s kind of strange, how they trust Momon-sama, but not Ainz-sama.”, “Indeed. Fifth, who had been following behind Ainz, immediately advanced before him. Online. In addition, I feel Yuri has a point.”, “Still, I feel there are too many demerits to that suggestion… or are you saying that you intend to test it out in the outskirts? For the moment, we’ve put them all on our Floor.”, “Yes. “Then, let’s begin the usual. “Yes. Momonga's footsteps echoed in the Royal Suite's passage, followed by the tapping of his staff. The box was not very sturdy, and the Lip Bug could escape if it really wanted to. However, this was an easy task for Ainz, who had spent much time practicing to be a ruler. As they say, like father, like son ― ah, I apologize. Who made that suggestion, anyway?”. Ainz gently returned the fed and happy Lip Bug to its shaded home in the glass box ― to the place it loved the most . “...Albedo, these two are just children. If he forbade her to do so, she would stop. Albedo, explain to the two of them. Fifth looked terribly serious as she opened the door, but the corner of her mouth seemed somewhat relaxed. “Then, let’s begin. He could recall giving him a backstory that stated he liked managing magic items and the like. Suddenly, he thought of Pestonya wagging her tail in the past. Point. Ainz knew that this was not something of which he could be proud, and he felt guilty about it. That would be like betraying his loyal subordinates. 483. Correct? “No, it might be just as you say. Do you understand, Aura?”, “Yes! -Table of ContentsPrologue Chapter 1: The Sorcerous Kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown Chapter 2: The Kingdom of Re-Estize Chapter 3: The Bahamut Empire Epilogue Side Story Afterword. While he did not know what might plant the seeds of disappointment in his subjects, such a dramatic change in circumstances could not possibly be a wise decision. Indeed. That, er, how shall I put this, should most likely, er, that should be the case. Two of them were magic casters sustaining a [Fly] spell, and … That arrangement should not pose any problems.”, “Then, I intend to use widows for the orphanage staff.”, “The women who lost their husbands in the battle where you demonstrated a fraction of your almighty power. I like changes in the weather. It might be good to circulate this as a model for others to study.”, After that round of praise, Ainz resumed his usual stern countenance ― though of course his face did not move. Pandora’s Actor ― no, Momon lived in one of those guest houses. While there were some matters which were best settled earlier on, once they were finished, he found himself quite free. A lively child’s voice came through the gap in the door, along with an almost inaudible voice that lacked any confidence. So you were thinking about that too, Ainz-sama. Hidden beneath was a creature that hid in the darkness to avoid the sunlight. Ainz passed through the room, and approached the balcony. Albedo entered the room, and then took a deep breath. Frankly speaking, this was the end of Ainz’s work for the day. Thus, it had come to this. The final point was based on the previous conclusion in order to arrive at a negative judgment. Apr 11, 2019 - Explore Christine's board "Overlord" on Pinterest. Aura went around the table and stationed herself next to Ainz. Knowledge, education and information were the basic weapons of humanity ― which also included non-human beings in this world. Well, I am very delighted to see the two of you as well.”. Didn’t I tell you this before, hm, Pandora’s Actor?”, “The relationship between us is one of creator and created. I, I can dress myself, but they keep coming over to help me…”, “You need to pull yourself together. That’s how it is. Part 1 Enri Emmot rose before the sun came up to make breakfast. I must be fair to her. Ainz’s original intent was to design him in such a way that he would not find it strange to be alone in the Treasury ― indeed, one could consider being surrounded by the things he loved to be a heavenly job. ―it would be like before, indeed, just like during the guild days. Of all the human warriors Ainz had met, perhaps only Clementine and Gazef could have beaten Hamsuke. Ainz watched Fifth’s maid outfit sway wildly as she jogged off, while he remained in the courtyard. If you are bored from Overlord manga, you can try surprise me link at top of page or select another manga like Overlord from our huge manga list.Best regards; mangareader: #1 resource for Overlord Scans Online. Shall we implement Aura’s suggestion immediately?”. The very fact that he had to carry the Guild Weapon with him meant that it was out of the question. Did something happen? Ainz glanced at Mare, who had his head lowered, and muttered “What,” to himself. Wearing the same set of clothes would not pose a problem to him. After their business was concluded, the three of them left the room with the Elder Liches, leaving Ainz and Fifth. The knight in full plate armor stood before the girl and her little sister, his sword raised high. Ainz brought out two more leaves, which the Lip Bug readily devoured as well. Ainz was taken completely by surprise, and exclaimed louder than normal. He was simply trying to buy himself time. In addition, Albedo is one of the children, like Aura and Mare. It made him feel as though there was a string connecting them. Bagian 1. Point. Editor / Proofreader: Namorax, JcqC, TaintedDream, rockgollem, Ferro, M, Anon. He had the feeling that letting her go on would drag the conversation out for a long time. As expected, it was gaudy. He was not speaking to anyone in particular, just talking to himself. It began serialization in … The desk did not have so much as a speck of dust on it, to say nothing of documents. For a moment, he thought he saw something behind Albedo ― a flash of light that was the physical manifestation of the blow she had just suffered. “Ainz-sama. What is it? He clicked his heels together before marching in. This chapter is updated by Of course, if the other side attacked first, that was a different matter entirely. Proofreader/Editor: Deus Ex Machina. Although I feel that black as a base with dark brown as a secondary color would look good too, wearing such colors all the time would not show off your other virtues, Ainz-sama! Eh, really? The swaying, gaudy red robe advanced toward his office. Lower Fire Month (9th Month), 4th Day, 22:31. He handed the files to Albedo, who was covering her mouth with her hand. Just as Ainz was feeling confused, Pandora’s Actor bowed his head. I know what you’ve reported to Albedo… so, are there any problems?”, “It would seem that there is nothing spec―”, “Is that so. The fact is, I am very happy with the way you have worked hard to show me the being I intended to make. If they knew the NPCs had developed their own egos, some people would be intrigued and want to meet them, while others would want to avoid them. He also recalled having several Lip Bugs placed in front of him, and being taught to tell when they were most energetic by their color. It should be fine if we run a regular orphanage and limit the knowledge we teach there to those close to us. Ainz glanced behind at the sound of sniffling, and saw that Fifth was dabbing at the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief. From what Ainz knew, none of the maids had failed to hold that position. This feeling was only vaguely familiar to him, but that might be how children felt when proudly showing off their talents to their parents. West? Would she find it strange if he terminated the topic now? “...If I send you out… I would be quite troubled…”, “My,” Albedo smiled in delight. “The benefits are clearly outlined, and it is an excellent suggestion. “In addition, though it shames me to ask, I would be delighted if you could give me several sets of clothing. I came all the way here just to see Ainz-sama, you know.”. Therefore, Ainz had to give his utmost even in the matter of dressing himself. Ainz muttered something about there being several other reasons, and he peeked at Albedo as he murmured. He opened it to peruse its contents. There loomed the form of a Crypt Lord, who commanded over twenty Death Knights. After this, today’s maid will come to take over for me.”. Besides, if he actually followed through with the act, it would be sexual harassment. Shouldn’t you be taking this a bit more seriously?”. Since Ainz already knew who the visitors were, he could have immediately allowed them entry. Albedo’s look of surprise only made Ainz that much more delighted. Now that he had finished everything he could do on the bed, Ainz pushed aside the thin gauze canopy which shrouded the bed and rose to his feet. At least they should cancel the night shift… the part where they watch me sleep, right? He felt that it would be better to hand this matter to intelligent people like Albedo or Demiurge. At least, it was that way for Jircniv. Therefore, I was thinking of using red as a base color for coordinating your attire. Therefore, there’s no need to use German or salute or be so dramatic in front of me. Ainz led Fifth and the Eight Edge Assassin into the office. Are you going to dump all this on me now? When she was asking about the healing potions… I guess there is no need to tell you since you already know, Albedo. “That’s true. “Ah, a-about that… if you send Mo-Momon-sama out, will the people in this city behave?”, “It will be fine. After all, you were looking at that document the most. Ainz thought, I can guess why Albedo wanted to sit on my thigh, but why did Aura want to do that? Ainz knew that the conversation would dry up if this went on, so he steeled himself and asked: “If we let Pandora’s Actor manage this, what about Momon, who he is portraying? This would have a bad effect on their sexual education.This was why she had addressed him in the same tone that his old friend did when she was angry at her little brother. Thus, he had to avoid wasting time. How could meeting you be any trouble to me?” Ainz gently replied to Mare. Volume 1 - Chapter 2 30.06.2019 Volume 1 - Chapter 1 30.06.2019 Show more Just then, the forms of the Eight Edge Assassins ― who had climbed the walls ― appeared before Ainz as well. In particular, the stat penalty was not a mind-affecting ability. Without another word, Ainz jumped off, using [Fly] in mid-air to slow his descent, and he landed gracefully on the ground below. Its brightly-colored body was coated with sticky yet slippery secretions, and the front part of its body resembled a pair of human lips. The dust floating in the air could settle on him, but all he had to do was brush it off. At its center was the Imperial Palace that was the residence of the man known as the “Bloody Emperor” — Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix. “Angels, Fifth will be walking with us. Just… yes… it’s just that you don’t qualify as a Wise King of the Forest, just a Hamster of the Forest.”, “Hamsters, you say ― indeed, you have spoken of those creatures before, milord! “Ah, good morning. However one needed to develop new technologies as a nation’s power increased. One can sense the suggester’s excellence through it. If we pushed the new laws too aggressively it could lead to widespread discontent. Soon, a red-robed Ainz appeared in the mirror. In the future, please allow me to select the suggestions. Albedo entered the room at the head of six Elder Liches. However, when he thought of the look on the maid’s face if he said so, he could not bring himself to speak the words waiting in his mouth. He felt like a sandwich-board man illuminated by neon lights. All he could do was desperately try to recall the contents of the file he had just seen. Penerjemah: Nigel. The crime of disobeying your command is utterly unforgivable. This must have come from the satisfaction she felt at being able to help Ainz in some way. Narberal and… ah, Lupusregina. File:Overlord Volume 10 Chapter 1.png; File:Overlord Volume 10 Chapter 2.png; File:Overlord Volume 10 Chapter 3.png; “She hasn’t noticed us even though we’re so close. Volume 10 chapter 1 question [Mild SPOILERS] Close. Then, I’d like to ask you, as Pandora’s Actor ― are there any problems on your end?”. That is why you have been permitted to dress in that way… so do you intend to grant that specialness to many people that you do not know?”. “Yes, Ainz-sama! That was a bald-faced lie ― Ainz had no confidence in just about everything. Besides, all he would be doing was something simple like putting his seal on Albedo’s draft. Sunny days are fine, the roaring of thunder on rainy days is to be savored, and the gentle falling of snow is quite intriguing. Then, could you dress me?”. His favorite tactic was concealing himself and then sniping his opponent ― albeit with a bow. After reading them, Ainz would copy these suggestions out and read them out for Albedo to hear around this time every morning.