Lordosis in the lower back, or lumbar spine, is the most common type.Someone with this will have extra space between their back and the surface. Treatment for lumbar lordosis is dependent on the severity of the spine abnormality as well as the occurrence of additional symptoms. Lordosis is the inward curvature of a portion of the lumbar (lower back) and cervical (upper back) spine. The easiest way to check for this condition is to lie on your back on a flat surface. Children with hyperlordosis will have a large space underneath the lower back when lying face up on a hard surface. Luckily for most people, some of the more simple symptoms of lumbar lordosis such as incorrect posture or mild to severe lower back pain can be remedied by simple Lumbar Lordosis exercises. 39 years experience Orthopedic Spine Surgery. Older people, especially those who are sedentary and obese, are more susceptible to posture-related lordosis.Women with osteoporosis may also experience excessive spinal curvature.. Other medical conditions that can contribute to painful curvature of the spine include spondylolisthesis, achondroplasia, and discitis. Learn about causes, symptoms & treatment. Usually, patients with lordosis do not have any symptoms except for the exaggerated spinal curvature. Lumbar lordosis is the inward curve in your lower back region. Some of these exercises are focused on balancing the weakness of the muscle in your spine, and finally improving it. Lordosis: Common Symptoms. As the main symptoms of lumbar lordosis consider unnatural, overly pronounced forward bending of the spine. Symptoms of lordosis. It is not something that is painful unless it is exaggerated too much or too little which alters the natural balance of the spine and can lead to muscular pain &/or facet joint pain. Numbness. Dr. Thomas Dowling answered. However, the terms lordosis and lordotic are also used to refer to the normal inward curvature of the lumbar and cervical regions of the human spine. Usually none: Lumbar lordosis is the normal sway of the back when looking from the side. Children may not need to be treated. Having chronic lower back pain can be a fact of life as we get older & may be due to a condition called lumbar spondylosis. Conservative treatment for the condition may include medication, physical therapy, braces and weight loss. A person with lordosis in the lumbar section of the spine will have a swayback appearance, which creates a prominent buttocks. Cervical lordosis is the inward curve in your neck region. Pain in the back or neck. If they have an extreme curve, there’ll be a visible C-like arch when they stand. But some people experience back pain and stiffness in addition to an abnormally curved spine. What are the symptoms of lordosis? Lordosis tends to make the buttocks appear more prominent. Lumbar lordosis is one of the most common spinal conditions people face, affecting all age groups and backgrounds. Discomfort in preserving muscle control. For most people with lumbar lordosis, pain in the muscles is the most obvious symptom. Cervical lordosis The lumbar lordosis gives pain in the final part of the back. Normally, the spine of a healthy person has 4 bends in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral areas. Loss of Lumbar Lordosis & Waddling Gait Symptom Checker: Possible causes include Congenital Myopathy with Excess of Thin Filaments. Check the full list of possible causes and conditions now! The symptoms of lordosis may resemble other spinal conditions or deformities, or may be a result of an injury or infection. Someone with lordosis will have extra space between their back and the surface. Symptoms and Diagnosis. Symptoms of lumbar lordosis include back pain, pronounced buttocks, and an arch in the low back. Too much curving is called swayback. Abnormal curvature of the spine causes the muscles to stretch in various directions thus leading to muscle contractions. Lordosis is treated with pain medicine, exercise, and surgery. Make an appointment with your doctor if you notice an increased curve in your upper back or in your child's spine. Abnormal spinal curvature causes the muscles to become strained and begin to spasm. Lordosis refers to the normal inward curvature of the spine at the cervical (neck) region and the lumbar (lower back… Symptoms. Reversal or cure for lumbar lordosis depends on how severe the symptoms are. You will need to read: 5 min . symptoms of lordosis may include: * appearing swayback, with the buttocks being more pronounced * having a large gap between the lower back and the floor when lying on your back … Children with hyperlordosis will have a large space underneath the lower back when lying face up on a hard surface. As a rule, in this state, neither pain nor discomfort is noted. Treatment of lumbar lordosis. You should be able to slide your hand under your lower back, with little space to spare. This is called benign juvenile lordosis. And from the side view, their abdomen and buttocks will stick out. Weakness in the legs and spine. Mild kyphosis may produce no noticeable signs or symptoms. Lordosis usually develops in the lumbar spine but can affect the cervical section of the spine as well. Some children have marked lordosis, but, most often fixes itself as the child grows. Lordosis in the lower back, or lumbar spine, is the most common type. Surgery may be needed if the curvature is severe and causing other symptoms. Lumbar lordosis is a low back curve of the spine. When to see a doctor. Lordosis is a condition of the lower backbone (lumbar) curving inward excessively. A 42-year-old member asked: what are the symptoms of lumbar lordosis? As such, this can occur with a multitude of conditions such as: degenerative disc disease, Vertebral compression fracture, Ankylosing Spondylitis, and Lumbar Post Laminectomy Syndrome. Lordosis tends to make the buttocks appear more prominent. Symptoms of lumbar lordosis. Hyperlordosis, more commonly known as lordosis, can cause lumbar pain, nerve problems, or damage to the spine and surrounding soft tissue. Some children have marked lordosis, but, most often fixes itself as the child grows. Lower back lordosis. Spondylolisthesis may cause lordosis. lumbar lordosis symptoms. Lumbar lordosis can affect people of all ages. Causes of lumbar lordosis include obesity, kyphosis, and bad posture. Lumbar Lordosis Symptoms. Alternative names: Swayback; Arched back; Lordosis – lumbar Definition: Lordosis is the inward curve of the lumbar spine (just above the buttocks).A small degree of lordosis is normal. The most common symptom of lumbar lordosis is muscle pain. Usually none: Lumbar lordosis is the normal sway of the back when looking from the side. Such violations of the lumbar lordosis, as its full straightening, or excessive bending, leads to the fact that blood circulation is disturbed, there is a pinching of the nerve, intervertebral disc, and spinal nerve in the lumbar region. Other symptoms which may appear according to the severity of the curvature are: Pain in the back. Treatment is aimed at halting the progression of abnormal curvature and preventing the onset of further deformity. Always consult your doctor for a diagnosis. Lordosis is historically defined as an abnormal inward curvature of the lumbar spine. This condition can occur at any age. Lumbar swayback is more common in individuals. Lordosis can affect people of any age. Rectification of the cervical and lumbar lordosis Some of the treatment options for lumbar lordosis are listed below: What is lordosis of the spine? Lordosis can occur in the neck (cervical) or the lower spine (lumbar) area. If left untreated, it may result in pain, discomfort, and decreased mobility. Pathological bending leads to a change in the shape of the back and appearance of a person. From here - radiculitis, lumbalgia, herniated discs. Although everyone’s spine naturally curves at the neck, upper back, and lower back, individuals with lordosis have an inward curvature either in the lower or upper back. Some patients note that they experience mild discomfort, which is manifested by pain in the lumbar region, as well as a feeling that the body is bending too far forward.