Business-driven and line of business (LOB)-resident technology buyers will drive more purchases, hastening moves to cloud products and platforms, investing more in automation and online interactions in order to optimise business processes and compete more effectively. TSP's moeten alert zijn op uitdagingen die nieuwkomers op de markt met zich meebrengen. Gartner verwacht dat in 2025 de snelste groeiende techproviders 50% van hun inkomsten genereren via generatieve of platform-gerelateerde businessmodellen op basis van cloud computing. What are the greatest challenges tech providers will face over the next five years? Opkomende technologieën stellen TSP's in staat nieuwe markten te betreden, hun producten en diensten te versterken, de concurrentie achter zich te laten en efficiënter te worden. 1. Gartner predicts that by 2025, loneliness, collaboration and communication obstacles will be the top workplace struggle for 50% of remote workers. Klanten verwachten een duidelijker beeld vooraf van de waarde die oplossingen leveren. With those concepts as a backdrop, Burke identified Gartner's top strategic technology trends for 2021: Internet of behaviors (IoB) Technologies that use facial recognition, location tracking and big data, and connect the resulting data to associated behavioral events, such as cash purchases or device usage, are growing, Burke said. Conversations with technology leaders are much more focused on the tactical this year, according to Brian Burke, research VP at Gartner. At Gartner, we predict that the key strategic technology trends in 2020 will include hyperautomation, blockchain and artificial intelligence security, among others. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. "De impact van zes krachten is vandaag de dag al voelbaar voor providers. INTERNATIONAL – Reearch firm Gartner announced that it has identified the top 10 government technology trends for 2019-2020 that have the potential to optimize or transform public services. The six forces Gartner expects will have the greatest impact on tech providers into 2025 are: Increasing global trade tensions are the most significant geopolitical risk in terms of impacts to global markets. COVID-19 has made remote work become the standard across many organisations. I want to recieve updates for the followoing: I accept that the data provided on this form will be processed, stored, and used in accordance with the terms set out in our privacy policy. Wie hierin niet slaagt zal niet groeien en klanten zien vertrekken, voorspelt Gartner. Gartner's Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020. Through 2025, TSPs must adapt to changing buyers and buying conditions driven by transformed organisations and technology buyers within them. Op afstand werken is door COVID-19 in veel organisaties de standaard geworden. De veranderende marktdynamiek dwingt technologieproviders de komende vijf jaar hun strategieën, route naar de markt en bereidheid om gelijktijdig samen te werken en concurreren met andere providers aan te passen. Zo kunnen spelers uit aangrenzende markten in sommige gevallen nieuwe markten betreden en hier snel groeien. No thanks I don't want to stay up to date. Gartner analyst @brian__burke reveals the top strategic technology trends for 2021. TSP's moeten hun talentmanagementstrategieën hierop aanpassen en zich bewust zijn van de impact hiervan op niet alleen werknemers, maar ook klanten. 1. Gartner, Inc. announced in October its new trends for next year. Today Gartner, Inc. announced its top ten strategic technology trends for 2020. Zes krachten vormen tot 2025 een fundamentele bedreigingen voor technologie en service providers (TSP), voorspelt Gartner. SLTN CEO Eugene Tuijnman belicht tech trends voor komend jaar, 15/12 - De opkomst van nieuwe technologieën levert kansen en uitdagingen op voor TSP's. “Impact from six forces are already being felt by providers today, but over the next five years Gartner expects these forces to accelerate trends and pose problems that will demand providers create new models, products and relationships to survive and ultimately succeed.”. #GartnerSYM #AI #Cloud #Cybersecurity @Gartner_SYM The right levels of investments in the right emerging technologies at the right time are crucial for creating and capturing the most value from them. “CIOs are striving to adapt to changing conditions to compose the future business. The business leaders definitely should understand and evaluate each and every trend while building their 5 year strategy to see the risks and threats that they create and also find out the opportunities by which they can empower their businesses. Technology in 2025: Prepare your workforce. It’s enabled by digital models, business platforms and a rich, intelligent set of services to support digital business.Intelligent: How AI is seeping into virtually every technology and with a defined, well-scoped focus can allow more dynamic, flexible and potentially autonomous systems.Digital: Blending the virtual and real worlds to create a… Gartner’s Top Technology Trends That Will Define 2021. It answers our questions, satisfies our [...], 17 December 2020 / Making any prediction at the end of 2020 might seem like a risky business. There are nine top strategic technology trends that businesses should plan for in 2021 as the pandemic continues, according to Gartner's analysts. Gartner predicts that by 2025, the fastest growing major tech providers will generate 50% of revenue from generative or platform business models leveraging cloud computing. “The need for operational resiliency across enterprise functions has never been greater,” said Brian Burke, research vice president at Gartner. We have never lived in a time of faster and more transformative technology innovation. Technology is moving extremely fast and you don't want to miss anything, sign up to our newsletter and you will get all the latest tech news straight into your inbox! Learn more about the top trends in the full complimentary research Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2020 by David Cearley, et al. Those that can’t prove realised value will fail to grow or renew their customers. Read here. Over the next five years, changing industry dynamics will force technology providers to adjust their strategies, routes to market, and their willingness to simultaneously collaborate and compete with other providers. Gartner waarschuwt dat TSP's die zich hierop niet aanpassen concurrenten die dat wel doen niet zullen kunnen bijhouden. ... By 2025, Gartner projects more than 12% of new vehicles will have "Level 3 or higher autonomous driving hardware capabilities." That requires two key elements of agile businesses: awareness of disruptive technology and a plan to develop talent that can make the most of it. “As organizations journey from responding to the COVID-19 crisis to driving growth, they must focus on the three main areas that form the themes of this year’s trends: people centricity, location independence and resilient delivery. Gartner predicts that by 2025, loneliness, collaboration and communication obstacles will be the top workplace struggle for 50% of remote workers. Nederland is voorloper in patenten voor industry tech toepassingen. While the increasingly digital nature of human interactions presents numerous benefits to providers, including reduced travel expenses and improved relevance and responsiveness to buyers, it can present some negative side effects. TSPs must adapt their talent management strategies to mitigate this risk and be aware that this trend influences not only their employees and contingent workers, but customers and buyers alike. Gartner: Top 10 strategic technology trends for 2020. Ingram Micro Flexible Services breidt managed networking portfolio uit met Cisco Meraki, 15/12 - The pace of change has never been this fast, yet it will never be this slow again. TSPs must adapt their talent management strategies to mitigate this risk and be aware that this trend influences not only their employees and contingent workers, but customers and buyers alike. Providers die wereldwijd klanten bedienen of naar het buitenland willen uitgebreiden ondervinden impact van de wereldwijde handelsspanningen en de verslechterde relatie tussen de Verenigde Staten (VS) en China. RELATED ... will instead use these new mobile-enabled cryptocurrency account services offered by global digital platforms by 2025, Gartner … Kopers van business-gedreven en op de line of business gerichte technologie doen meer aankopen, versnellen migraties naar de cloud en investeren meer in automatisering en online interacties o hun bedrijfsprocessen te optimaliseren en effectiever te concurreren. Gartner has today revealed its annual top strategic technology trends for 2021, outlining the key areas in tech that organisations would do well to explore next year. Technische ontwikkelingen, de beschikbaarheid van kapitaal en kortere ontwikkelcycli bieden tot 2025 kansen voor innovatieve vendoren met disruptieve business modellen. Future Trends In The Gartner Hype Cycle For Emerging Technologies, 2017. Spaces are also becoming more intelligent and integrated, working to … Changing industry dynamics and rapid development cycles make the dedicated pursuit of competitive intelligence an absolute must for technology providers. Gartner's strategic tech trends for 2020: Part 2, ... To make Gartner's top technology trends more digestible, CIO Dive broke them into two parts. The top strategic technology trends for 2021 include distributed cloud, AI engineering and cyber security mesh, according to Gartner. "In een tijdperk waarin 'ieder bedrijf een technologiebedrijf is' moeten productleiders meer concurreren met voormalige leveranciers van niet-technologische producten, eindgebruikers en megavendoren voor marktaandeel", aldus Kandaswamy. 2. Het gaat hierbij onder meer om geopolitieke en wereldwijde gebeurtenissen, veranderingen in vraag en verwachtingen van klanten en een veranderende marktdynamiek. Het juiste investeringsniveau in de juiste opkomende technologie op het juiste moment is cruciaal voor het destilleren van waarde hieruit. From technology influencing how people behave at work to AI engineering and hyperautomation, here are the biggest technology trends in … Looking ahead just on year, Gartner created the “Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020,” which the consulting firm released at its IT Symposium/XPO 2019 here this week. Google-diensten weer bereikbaar na storing, 14/12 - The proliferation of new technologies present opportunities and challenges for TSPs. Tech Data en AWS werken nauwer samen, 14/12 - Hoewel de toenemende digitale aard van menselijke interacties voordelen oplevert voor providers, kan dit ook negatieve effecten met zich meebrengen. The key to surviving this new industrial revolution is leading it. Technology trends are "really aggregating around people," said David Cearley, distinguished VP analyst at Gartner, speaking in October at the Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo in Orlando, Florida. Emerging technologies enable TSPs to enter new markets, strengthen their products and services, ward off competition, and become more efficient. Zo voorspelt Gartner dat in 2025 eenzaamheid, samenwerking en communicatieostakels de grootste uitdagingen zijn voor 50% van de medewerkers die op afstand werken. In this post, we present to you Gartner’s seven top technology trends that will define 2021. Title: The Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020 Gartner, Inc. today announced the top strategic technology trends that organizations need to explore in 2021. This may mean assessing purchasing models, ease of doing business, customer experience, generational demands and offerings — especially when many technology products and services will be built by nontechnology professionals. Automation 2020: Hyperautomation 17/12 - 18 December 2020 / Research from Industrie Reply found that 80% of industry workers are still searching for a [...], 18 December 2020 / Covid-19 cast a very long shadow over 2020. Gartner released its 2021 technology trends this month.I love these lists, though I must confess they’re often pretty repetitive. Nutanix en VMware leiden Gartner Magic Quadrant voor HCI software, 15/12 - Many tech analysts attended the Gartner IT Symposium and presented different findings. Six forces in the IT industry will present a fundamental threat to tech providers through 2025, according to Gartner. TSPs should not only prepare for new and different types of competitors, but also consider ways to stay competitive. This year, Gartner's technology trends for 2021, released Monday, coalesce around three principles: people centricity, location independence and resilient delivery. Gartner, Inc. today highlighted the top strategic technology trends that organizations need to explore in 2019. TSP's moeten zich niet alleen voorbereiden op nieuwe en verschillende soorten concurrenten, maar ook manieren zoeken om concurrerend te blijven. Gartner provides the latest technology insights and emerging technology trends to help IT leaders navigate the future and transform industries through 2025. Axulus solution accelerates IIoT innovation at scale, Three trends that will transform cloud computing in 2021, Simplicity is the key to smart neighbourhoods, How Apple’s pending search engine hints at a rise in enterprise search, Choosing the right ERP partner for your organisation. Producten beslaan een breed scala aan vereisten uit de verticale markt door nauwere samenwerkingen met en integraties tussen technologieproviders. In some cases, providers in adjacent markets may move into new markets as a way of growing revenue and mind share. Het gaat hierbij onder meer om geopolitieke en wereldwijde gebeurtenissen, veranderingen in vraag en verwachtingen van klanten en een veranderende marktdynamiek. Fundamental changes — some temporary, some permanent [...], 18 December 2020 / Simplicity will be the watchword for 2021 – a statement that isn’t often used for [...], 17 December 2020 / Search is integral to our experience of the internet. Through 2025, technological advancements, availability of capital and shorter development cycles will provide opportunities for innovative vendors leveraging disruptive business models. Gartner clients who are IT leaders can read more in the full report Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020 by David Cearley et al. Het simpelweg volgen van de bekende lijst met concurrenten is echter niet langer voldoende. 2021's all about more digital technology. Gartner’s top strategic technology trends for 2021 enable that plasticity. De veranderende marktdynamiek en snelle ontwikkelingscycli maken inzicht in concurrenten van cruciaal belang. Zes krachten vormen tot 2025 een fundamentele bedreigingen voor technologie en service providers (TSP), voorspelt Gartner. Gartner calls the entwining of people, devices, content and services the intelligent digital mesh. TSP's moeten zich tot 2025 aanpassen tot veranderende vraag en verwachtingen vanuit klanten, gedreven door transformaties binnen organisaties en bij inkopers. Gartner ถือเป็นองค์กรที่มักติดตามเทรนด์และจัดลำดับเทคโนโลยีในหลายแง่มุม ... แนวโน้มปี 2025 . Ingram Micro breidt managed networking portfolio uit met Cisco Meraki, 17/12 - Dit betekent onder meer het onderzoeken naar aanschafmodellen, de manier van zakendoen, customer experience en generatiegebonden vraag en aanbod. Read more. Gartner has announced the top strategic technology trends that organisations should explore in 2021. Onder meer wat betreft productstrategieën, het aantrekken van klanten, business performance management en corporate development. In de komende vijf jaar verwacht Gartners echter dat deze krachten versnellen en een probleem vormen die providers dwingt nieuwe modellen, producten en relaties te creëren om te overleven en uiteindelijk succesvol te zijn.". Gartner announced the “Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020” that have a potential to transform and disrupt the businesses. For example, leading providers will create generative solutions which create new value beyond traditional approaches through new combinations of information, technology and operations across an extended ecosystem. TSPs expecting to approach global markets in 2025 as they do in 2020 will be displaced by competition that incorporates these new realities into their business and operating models. "Krachten buiten de invloedssfeer van TSP's vragen om een reactie: aanpassen om te gedijen of moeite hebben te overleven", aldus Rajesh Kandaswamy, research vice president bij Gartner. CloudNation diensten beschikbaar via Professional Service in AWS Marketplace, 14/12 - However, in the long term, Gartner believes this technology will lead to a reformation of whole industries. Many of the trends are directly linked to the effort to respond to the COVID-19 crisis and drive growth despite it. getty. Here, we look at the 25 technology trends that will define the … Gartner verwacht dat de volgende zes krachten impact tot 2025 impact hebben op TSP's: De toenemende handelsspanningen vormen de grootste geopolitieke bedreiging als we kijken naar impact op de wereldwijde markten. Detron verzelfstandigt haar lifecycle services onder de naam Bluetron, 17/12 - Gartner's list of the most comprehensive lists of the trends that CIOs and other senior … Corona pandemie zorgt voor meer uitgaven aan cloud services, 17/12 - But, unlike past editions, this year’s event was done online due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Here are five tech trends that could reshape the education industry by 2025 ... research director at Gartner and co … Gartner highlighted the top strategic technology trends for 2019 that organizations need to explore in 2019. Analysts presented their findings during Gartner Symposium/ITxpo, which is taking place here through Thursday. Additionally, customers who will demand a clearer picture upfront of the value such solutions will deliver will also require technology providers to measure results postimplementation. Leidende providers ontwikkelen bijvoorbeeld generatieve oplossingen die nieuwe waarde creëren ten opzichte van traditionele aanpakken door nieuwe combinaties van informatie, technologie en operations mogelijk te maken. Looking ahead just on year, Gartner created the “Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020”, which the consulting firm released at its IT Symposium/XPO 2019 here this week. Products will address a broader variety of vertical market requirements through tighter partnerships and integrations among providers. “Forces outside of a TSP’s [tech and service providers] control demand a response — adapt to thrive or struggle to survive,” said Rajesh Kandaswamy, research vice president at Gartner. After [...], 16 December 2020 / As machine learning disrupts more and more industries, it has demonstrated its potential to reduce [...], 16 December 2020 / New NTT CEO Dubey will will continue to help clients through their digital transformations, while [...], 16 December 2020 / The criticism commonly levelled against enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems is that they are monolithic [...], 15 December 2020 / While cloud adoption driven by IT is believed to date back to 2009, the Covid-19 [...], Fleet House, 59-61 Clerkenwell Road, EC1M 5LA. As tech providers seek to serve global customers and drive geographic expansion, both global trade tensions and the erosion of US-China relations become significant influences in terms of product strategies, customer acquisition, business performance management, and corporate development. “In the era where ‘every company is a technology company,’ product leaders will have to compete harder with former nontech providers, end users and megavendors for market share,” added Kandaswamy. Read more Looking ahead just on year, Gartner created the “Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020,” which the consulting firm released at its IT Symposium/XPO 2019 here this week. However, following the known list of competitors no longer is enough — TSPs must be particularly mindful of challenges from new entrants to the market. The Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2020. One unifying factor of these trends is the focus on the direct impact technology will have on people. 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